Zombie Hand - Link Select

Helios is my main Fallout New Vegas courier. I'll be formatting all the info to look good later lol, im lazy

Helios got the average package deal. Brain fog, amnesia, lost sight in one eye and ear. Harder time regulating emotions, lots of ups and downs for seemingly no reason. (which upsets him more.) Amnesia made him lose his sense of self, so he has to figure out how to find himself. So he does a lot of 180s on what he's trying to do. Just generally more irritated (from pain, migraines) and less levelheaded than he use to be. Depending on who he's around, he's either reserved or theatrical. Without his sense of self, he depends on mimicking the people around him.

Mainly uses guns, any type really. Though he's sort of unreliable in a fight, as when he has a migraine, he can't really aim. Isn't horrible at melee but his depth perception hinders that too. Ends up siding with Yes-Man with his securitrons to help protect the wasteland and the Strip. It's not a perfect solution, but Yes-Man helps a lot of settlements grow. Yes-Man also works with the Followers of the Apocalypse to bring a more accessible medical care to Vegas.

After the 2nd battle of Hoover Dam, Helios decides to pack up and leave Vegas. He takes only what he needs, and leaves the rest in the Lucky 38 for the companions to find. He leaves his PipBoy and all the things he collected (holotapes, notes, etc) and only takes clothing, armor, food, water and medical supplies and very few caps. Even then, what he has is enough for a couple of weeks, and that's it.

Not entirely sure what he goes off to do, perhaps he just goes off and helps people he finds, or maybe he stays in the Divde with Ulysses. Whatever he is led to, though he'll eventually figure out to do things for himself, as everything he’s done he has been directed towards. He did find that he enjoys helping people, but it was always through somehow being told to (whole quest system) and so once things stop leading him, after the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam, he runs.


Benny: He lets Benny live, persuading Caesar that he could use him to manipulate the Strip. He doesn't trust, or even like Benny, but he feels bad for him, and so he stays around.

Arcade: He loves to sit and talk with Arcade, hearing the references and explanations to literature, and his dry humor. He isn't willing to dig deep into Arcade's past and problems, but he does care for him quite a bit. Thinks maybe when he's sitting quietly in those moments with Arcade, that that's the times when he's most sure of hisself.
Veronica: He likes Veronica. Thinks her power fist is really cool. Doesn't try and go into details about her past, but after Dead Money, he comes back with a new understanding and sympathy for her.
Boone: They both find each other unsettling and different. They both are used to seeing people dealing with trauma in certain ways, and for the other to be dealing with it in a similar way to themselves, they feel unsettled. Helios thinks that maybe it could be good to try and broach this topic with Boone, to share and bond over similar feelings, but decides against it.
EDE: He cares a lot for EDE. He sees him as an equal, and someone who sees and understands his actions.
Rex: He likes Rex, is scared to bring him into fights and such, but he loves to bring him around on travels.


He starts off going by Courier Six, which starts to be shortened down to Six. But he passes by the Helios Solar Plant and decided to give himself a name, something he gave himself, and so he goes by Helios.

Physical Appearance: Red/orange, thick hair. Lightly tanned skin, with many, many freckles. Blue/green eyes. Scarred temple and forehead, two overlapping bullet wounds and then a long thin scar across temple to temple. Right eye has been mostly blinded by damage from the bullets, along with most of his hearing in his right ear. His eye consistently has problems healing, being bloodshot and foggy. His hair starts off shaved (surgery) but as it grows, he styles it loosely back, keeping it almost shoulder length. He's muscled from consistent manual labor, and skinny. (as most wanders are in the wasteland) With a multitude of scars across his body. During the events of New Vegas, he usually has some sort of wound, be it a cut or bruising, along with being covered in dust and blood from traveling back and forth.


I need to do some more art of him this year...

Girl in a jacket


Girl in a jacket


Girl in a jacket


Girl in a jacket
